Where can I learn more about what it means to go vegan?
Nowadays, there are plenty of resources out there to find out more about the benefits and impacts of choosing to go vegan or adding in more plant-based power to your diet. We put together some of the websites, books and documentaries we like the best - some of our “go-tos” over the years.
Not all of the sources below are solely focused on being vegan or 100% plant-based. Instead, they have helped us change our perspective of our relationship with animals, our environment, and what we put in our bodies.
There are plenty of websites out there that offer LOTS of information about plant-based diets. Many of them thoughtfully explain factory farming’s impact on animal welfare, climate change and our health, if you are interested in learning more. Others provide more practical tips for incorporating more plant-based products into your diet.
Farm Sanctuary offers great information about health, the environment and animal welfare - and it is also an awesome place to visit to meet the beautiful animals they have rehomed
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies emphasizes the incredible potential of a whole foods plant-based diet and is known for the ground-breaking work, The China Study
The Good Food Institute is all about alternative protein sources and if full of information about the science and politics of the alt protein world
VegNews helps keep you up to date on all things vegan from new studies in the field to innovative products to mouth-watering restaurants - and they provide guides and recipes to help you go vegan!
The decision to go vegan is a complex one that often includes multiple factors. Over the years, these books have helped us explore our relationship with animals, the environment and our food.
How Not to Die is a tome of a book that provides practical advice on what types of foods can help us live healthy, long lives
Eating Animals exposed a range of readers to the harsh conditions that animals endure in factory farms for the first time
Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows explores the idea of carnism, that is to say why and how we have come to find it acceptable to eat certain animals and not others in our society
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is not a book about why someone should go vegan (spoiler, the author eats meat!) but instead speaks to the relationship we have with our food more broadly, including the animals that we raise for meat, and documents the author’s journey as a locavore
Life on the Rocks is also not a book about veganism; instead, it details the importance of our coral reefs and the desperate, essential need for a healthy, thriving marine environment
On major streaming platforms, you can find documentaries that delve into the decision to go vegan, too.
Forks Over Knives is a documentary full of great information and also offers tons of support through their online community with their cookbooks, cooking courses, blog and more
Game Changers tackles the questions of how diets impact our athletic performance - Spoiler! Elite athletes can thrive on a plant-based diet!
Cowspiracy dives deep into the reasons why we continue to rely on factory farming when we know the harmful impacts it causes to our environment
What the Health explores how our diets can make us sick and who benefits from our collective ill health